V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

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Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von v6ph1 » 09 Nov 2013, 22:40

MacOS X gatekeeper is corrupt.
It only accepts packages with a signature from apple.
And therefore we will not spend money.

-- v6ph1

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von ds10 » 09 Nov 2013, 22:37

The file is a bzip2 compressed dmg file. Alternatively you can use the transportable version of TV-Browser or you could download the source code and create a dmg file on your machine, that will be accepted by Mac OS X.

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von Gerard16 » 09 Nov 2013, 22:16

Hi All & greeting from a newbie
I too have tried to load 3.3.1 & 3.3.2 on at least 8 occasions using the retail version of Maverick and while it loads correctly It cannot be opened - I keep getting told that the download is damaged and should be moved to the trash. ANybody else currently experiencing this problem? By the way I do not have Gateway on my computer

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von ds10 » 05 Nov 2013, 14:17

No it's not, if the file were corrupt every Mac user would have the same problems. OS X only tells you the file is corrupt, maybe because it is not signed.

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von ziggar » 05 Nov 2013, 14:11

i have the same problem.

it is NOTHING TO DO with gatekeeper

it is saying that the file is downloaded corrupt
there is a problem with the file

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von mikepl » 07 Apr 2013, 05:06

Thank you for the link. I built my own version according to the instructions in that post and it works!

Re: V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von Jo » 06 Apr 2013, 11:10

You have to deactivate Gatekeeper to install TV-Browser. There is a discussion in German: http://hilfe.tvbrowser.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15458

V 3.3 for Mac is Corrupt

von mikepl » 06 Apr 2013, 04:58

Downloading the .img of v3.3 for the Mac. When trying to launch the app, Mac says it is corrupt and should be moved to the trash.

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