SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 10 Jun 2014, 06:27

I got a reply back from SD. They seem to think Tribune issues are worse than we all think. For programmers, he recommended this link: ... ?f=8&t=534

In short, the link talks about how the data is messy and programmers need to use their own judgement about how to filter New on their own.

Since SD is only a reseller, there isn't much they can do about the data.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 10 Jun 2014, 00:23

I opened a SchedulesDirect ticket, but I'm not hopeful of anything. Tribune is corporate and they don't care.

I don't see how simple filter rules would break 100 channels when the channels are already broken. Removing the New flag from news is far more of an issue since the 24h news channels often have repeats of a new program aired during the day. Removing the New flag essentially shadows the first showing.

Looking at a channel tonight setting my DVR's, a program is flagged as New but there is also a repeat date from 4 years ago. TVBrowser shows it as new but FreeGuide shows it correctly as a repeat. I mentioned this in the SD ticket.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von Jo » 07 Jun 2014, 12:35

I think these problems should rather be fixed by SchedulesDirect. If there is a movie from 2013 it still can be "new". And if they explicitly state that a program is a repetition I can't just say it's new. They have thousands of channels and if I change something to improve one channel it might break 100 others.
I removed the "new" flag from news programmes since I consider it obvious, but in general I make such "improvements" only if it is impossible to get the source change it and after testing of all affected channels to make sure there are no side effects.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 07 Jun 2014, 05:41

Jo: Thanks for the update, but it is having consistency problems due to the SchedulesDirect problems mentioned earlier.

Can you pre-filter the data?

I've been looking at FreeGuide. It will show some of the raw data and handles new programs correctly. I think something like this would work:
If year (with no date stamp) is less than CurrentYear, delete New flag.
If date stamp is less than Today-1, delete New flag. (allows for 24h repeat showings)
If date stamp is greater than or equal to Today, flag as New regardless of New status.
If RepeatOf date stamp is greater than or equal to Today-1, flag as New regardless of New status.
If Repeat Flag is set but date stamp is greater than or equal to Today-1, delete Repeat Flag.

As an example, I'm looking at the Smithsonian Channel for June 8. "Air Disasters: Grand Canyon" is a new episode but SchedulesDirect has it flagged as Repeat. There is no repeat date shown, but the date stamp is 20140608 (2 days ahead of this posting). The rules above should fix the "New Flag" problem and should be easy to implement.

Thanks for the help.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von Siggi » 23 Mai 2014, 17:33

And Hudson won't build this plugin anymore. :-)

Perhaps you can fixe it.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von Jo » 22 Mai 2014, 18:56

The new version of the plugin is now available.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 17 Mai 2014, 02:45

ds10 hat geschrieben:You are using the wrong filter component for "I don't want to see", it comes with it's own filter component. To use plugin filter component will not work because "I don't want to see" doesn't mark programs.
Thanks, that seems to have gotten it.

Any word when the SchedulesDirect "New" flag will be recognized? That's the last thing I'm missing.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von ds10 » 15 Mai 2014, 11:14

You are using the wrong filter component for "I don't want to see", it comes with it's own filter component. To use plugin filter component will not work because "I don't want to see" doesn't mark programs.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 15 Mai 2014, 04:41

ds10 hat geschrieben:A filter NOT PluginIDontWantToSee, will show you all programs, that you don't want to see, you have to delete the NOT to get what you want.
In the filter menu it says for Plugin: "Accept all programs marked by plugin"
Wouldn't programs marked by "I don't want to see" be programs I want tagged as blocked? And programs I do want to see remain untouched?

To simplify a little for testing:
I turned off the marker check box in the Favorite for the time being. All movies will show up in the minimum color.
I went into Tools / Markers and deleted all the markers.

I'm looking at:
Program List tab, Channel with a black listed movie playing tomorrow

I changed the filter definition to: TypeMovie AND PluginIDontWantToSee
I changed the Program List filter to my "Movie Black List Filtered".
...and it didn't show anything. Favorites also didn't highlight anything.

Program List tab Filter: I don't want to see
...will show the movies except the black listed one and a couple non-blocked episodes, as expected.

I changed the filter definition back to: TypeMovie AND NOT PluginIDontWantToSee
I changed the Program List filter to my "Movie Black List Filtered".
...will show only movies in the Minimum color (as expected), except the blocked one shows up as ghosted.

I tried the sequence again with File / Restart in there, but the ghosted movies still showed up.

Please help.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von ds10 » 14 Mai 2014, 10:15

A filter NOT PluginIDontWantToSee, will show you all programs, that you don't want to see, you have to delete the NOT to get what you want.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 14 Mai 2014, 04:43

ds10 hat geschrieben:Yes, create a new expert Favorite with search for .* with Regex search and select your filter in the filter selection of the expert Favorite. If you want specific highlighting simply enable the export to the matching Marker list.
Thanks, almost got it, but for some reason "I don't want to see" isn't removing entries but partially ghosting them. If I right click on the ghosted entry, I get the "I want to see it though!" menu entry. If I select that, the text becomes black. If I try to block it with the "I don't want to see!" menu entry, text goes gray again.

With my filter "TypeMovie and ( not PluginIDontWantToSee )", shouldn't "not PluginIDontWantToSee" remove anything in the "I don't want to see" list, therefore not even coloring a blocked entry? and not even making it to the final movie list?

To unscatter things a bit, here are my settings in a consolidated form:
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben: Tools / Settings / Graphical Settings / Program Display: Allow Plugins to set transparency of a program: On
Tools / Settings / Graphical Settings / Highlighting: Highlight with color: Minimum Priority

Tools / Settings / Plugins / Favorite Programs: Highlighting Color: Minimum Priority

Tools / Settings / Plugins / Markers
"Mark List" is 5 entries: Minimum, Lower Medium, Medium, Higher Medium, Maximum
Eash list name is set to to that "Highlighting Priority".
Each list name "Program Importance" is set to "Maximum".
Each list name "Send To Plugin" is "None".

Tools / Settings / Plugins / I don't want to see!
Automatically activate filter on adding/removing = Off
Program Importance = Minimum Importance

View / Filters / Show All

View / Filters / Edit Filters / "Movie Black List Filtered" (my created filter)
TypeMovie = Additional Information / Movie
PluginIDontWantToSee = Plugin / I don't want to see
Filter Rule: TypeMovie and ( not PluginIDontWantToSee )

Manage Favorites tab / Create a new favorite button / Switch to Expert View
Change Name button: Movie Color
Search Term: .*
Search Where: Only in title
Options: Term is a regular expression
Use Filter: Movie Black List Filtered
Pass Program To: Hit Change button
Select Markers: Add to "Lower Medium"
...noting that the priority has to be +1 higher than the default to change the color.
OK and then OK to save and get out of the filter.

When I've made changes, I noticed the Markers setting sticking. To remove all:
Tools / Markers
Select the priority, hit the "Delete All" button.
If I remove "Markers" from "Pass Program To" and delete all markers, the movies will be highlighted in the minimum color, have the little heart icon, and almost be invisible. Note that the transparency is much less than with "Lower Medium". The issue remains the same, though: it shouldn't be in the list at all.

I tried changing the filter rule to:
TypeMovie and not PluginIDontWantToSee
...removing the parenthesis, but it didn't make any difference... which is what I would kind of expect in hind sight.

Jo: Were you able to get the SchedulesDirect "New" problem solved?

Thanks for the help

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von ds10 » 12 Mai 2014, 09:57

bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:Is there a way to fix that?
Yes, you have to set the program importance column in the settings of the Marker plugin to maximum for all lists.
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:Are "Additional Information" check boxes AND'd?
A filter component is always matched against one program, if the filter component says it has to be a movie and a concert you will only get programs that are movies about concerts. But you are not limited to use only one filter component of the same type, create a second one for only concerts and or it with the other in the filter creation and you will get all programs that are movies or concerts.
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:Is there a way to take that filter and color all the matching movies?
Yes, create a new expert Favorite with search for .* with Regex search and select your filter in the filter selection of the expert Favorite. If you want specific highlighting simply enable the export to the matching Marker list.
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:Can you copy this into the wiki?
I guess I can do that.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 12 Mai 2014, 03:43

ds10 hat geschrieben:Settings->Plugins->I don't want to see!
Disable checkbox Automatically activate filter on adding/removing
Set program importance to Minimum importance
Settings->Graphical settings->Program display
The checkbox Allow plugins to set the transparency of a program has to be selected
Set filter to View->Filters->show all
Thanks for the example, this makes more sense now. I've run into a problem, though. Favorites is set to minimum and doesn't seem to have a problem with color or transparency. The Favorites I wanted colored I passed to "Marker" with a higher priority so the color will change (as per previous instructions). Following these steps, anything with "Marker" is now too transparent to read (Highlighting/Alpha Channel in the colors only changes the color transparency). Is there a way to fix that?
ds10 hat geschrieben:You have to create filter components, there are buttons on the right side to create,edit and delete filter components.
Thanks, I missed that, was up too late.
I have a simple filter working:
TypeMovie = Additional Information / Movie
PluginIDontWantToSee = Plugin / I don't want to see
Rule: TypeMovie AND ( NOT PluginIDontWantToSee )
This works fine, but if I change:
TypeMovie = Additional Information / Movie and Theater/Concert
...the filter fails and shows nothing.
Are "Additional Information" check boxes AND'd?

Is there a way to take that filter and color all the matching movies?
ds10 hat geschrieben:An example:
You want to filter programs that are The Simpsons that are running on a Tuesday and have no Bart in the episode title and description and The Simpsons that are running on a Friday and have to do with Lisa or programs of American Dad that have to do with Roger. Seems like a real problem to get this, but now you split it in the search parts for the filter components, you will need filter components of the type keyword:
  • Search for The Simpsons with search only in title, named The_Simpsons
  • Search for Bart with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Bart
  • Search for Lisa with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Lisa
  • Search for American Dad with search only in title, named American_Dad
  • Search for Roger with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Roger
and you will need filter components of the type Day of week:
  • Accepts Tuesday named Tuesday
  • Accepts Friday named Friday
Now you can drag and drop the available filter components from the right side to the left side filter construction and to get what should be filtered in this example you would create:
( The_Simpsons AND ( ( NOT Bart AND Tuesday ) OR ( Lisa AND Friday ) ) ) OR ( American_Dad AND Roger )
name this filter My_First_Filter

Now you can use this filter in the program table or the program list plugin.
Can you copy this into the wiki?

Thanks for a lot of help this time.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von ds10 » 11 Mai 2014, 09:38

bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:I'm having trouble with this one. Tools / Settings / Plugins / I don't want to see! Turning off "Automatically Activate" disables the plugin. I see the "Program Importance" at the bottom and set it to Minimum. I can sacrifice a color and make Minimum 100% transparent. From the main program: View / Filters / Show All or I don't want to see! just turns it on or off. Right now I don't understand how to do the rest of your instructions.
Settings->Plugins->I don't want to see!
Disable checkbox Automatically activate filter on adding/removing
Set program importance to Minimum importance

Settings->Graphical settings->Program display
The checkbox Allow plugins to set the transparency of a program has to be selected

Set filter to View->Filters->show all

You will get something like this:
program-transparency.png (55.02 KiB) 9540 mal betrachtet
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:In Tree View / Manage Favorites / Programs, can an empty entry be shown with [0] for the number? I thought I lost the filter, but it's still there in manager. Maybe add a check box so everyone has the option?
No that won't be shown, it's simply a useless information. You want to know what runs when? If [0] is shown in the tree view you know what runs not in the available time, how can this be a usefull information?
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:Running Tools / Program List, Selected single channel, Filter: Show All. It's only showing the current hour plus the next 2. I tried the "Scroll to next day" arrow buttons, but they don't do anything. I double checked that there's more program data in the main Program table. Is it supposed to do that?
Yes if the show all filter is used the number of shown programs is limited because the list would be really long if all program would be shown.
bjohnson777 hat geschrieben:I had a quick look at Views / Filter / Edit Filter / New. "Available Filter Construction" has the usual "and, or, not, (, )". The left side "Filter Construction" panel is empty. The help page seems to indicate something should be there?
You have to create filter components, there are buttons on the right side to create,edit and delete filter components.

An example:
You want to filter programs that are The Simpsons that are running on a Tuesday and have no Bart in the episode title and description and The Simpsons that are running on a Friday and have to do with Lisa or programs of American Dad that have to do with Roger. Seems like a real problem to get this, but now you split it in the search parts for the filter components, you will need filter components of the type keyword:
  • Search for The Simpsons with search only in title, named The_Simpsons
  • Search for Bart with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Bart
  • Search for Lisa with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Lisa
  • Search for American Dad with search only in title, named American_Dad
  • Search for Roger with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Roger
and you will need filter components of the type Day of week:
  • Accepts Tuesday named Tuesday
  • Accepts Friday named Friday
Now you can drag and drop the available filter components from the right side to the left side filter construction and to get what should be filtered in this example you would create:
( The_Simpsons AND ( ( NOT Bart AND Tuesday ) OR ( Lisa AND Friday ) ) ) OR ( American_Dad AND Roger )
name this filter My_First_Filter

Now you can use this filter in the program table or the program list plugin.

Re: SchedulesDirect: Missing New Episode Highlighting

von bjohnson777 » 11 Mai 2014, 05:40

Jo hat geschrieben:The "new" tag at SchedulesDirect doesn't seem to be very accurate. Most of the news programs are "new", but also e.g. the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" from 1993 on Fox. But this is SchedulesDirect or their sources, TV-Browser can't do anything about it.
But I think about removing the "new" tag from all programs tagged as "news", since I think this is obvious and not helpful for the users.
It's disappointing I have to pay for SchedulesDirect data and it's that sloppy. I would think the industry would want to come together so everyone would have an ACCURATE listing of all programs for free. Otherwise the only way a person would know a program exists is by direct advertising, and that is very limited and extremely expensive. The free SchedulesDirect predecessor seems to have been "over used" and put under. If it's that popular, the industry should sit up and pay attention. That's just my rant, though.

For "new", I have a recommendation: ignore anything flagged "new" with a date older than: 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year. My guess is "1 week" should suffice, but I'm not looking at the data like you are.

I have seen copyright or air dates on "new" Weather Channel documentaries being a few years old, though. I'm not sure what to make of that. Normally when an episode or series is finished, it's immediately aired to recover costs.

A potential hang up would be early January. Most copyright dates (hopefully matching the date at the end of the episode credits) would be the previous year. Maybe if only the year is given without any months or days, subtract 1 for valid time, anything -2 or further gets "new" ignored?

For "new" news programs, that may or may not be desirable. While live news is obvious (is there a "live" flag?), some news stations will do current event documentaries. I've seen Bloomberg do this from time to time. I'm not sure how SchedulesDirect would categorize these.

The "new" flag in a "new what's on right now filter search" might be convenient for news programs.

Thanks for the help

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