TV browser problem

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: TV browser problem

von bodo » 29 Mai 2006, 07:01

We will focus on the internationalisation in Version 2.3. Then we will fix all problems with the zap2it Plugin and add everything that is needed that anyone outside germany can use it.

The new Zap2it jar file time-zone listings still screwed up.

von Koyaanis » 29 Mai 2006, 06:26

I must be doing something wrong, because ....

While the new zap2it jar file corrects for the time error, now I get a mix of today's shows and yesterday's shows, split on the time difference from UTC/GMT

If I set my location to CST6CDT (or any of the +6 time zones), I get the correct listings for hours 0-18 for today, but then it adds on yesterday's listings from 18-24.

(I still have to set the time shift for each station to +1 for daylight-savings-time, by right-click edit station properties.)

I have tried the new zap2it jar file both with v2.1 and 2.2 and it does the same thing.

I hope when you do a more international version, that you correct for this ... AND add in a 12-hour format listing of A.M. and P.M. time signatures. We're so used to using a 12-hour time format that I have to constantly do mental arithmetic to find out what hour something is on.

von rig » 22 Apr 2006, 05:23

Thank you so much. It works perfectly now.

von ds10 » 21 Apr 2006, 20:08

I guess there is an old version of the zap2it importer on the server. I've compiled the latest source of the Plugin. You get it here:

With this version it worked for me, I only had to add a summertime correction of 1 hour to the channels. That you can do in the channel settings with selecting the channels and then pressing the button Configure selected channels.

To get the right time of the data you have to delete the data that you have on your computer and download it again. The data is stored in %userprofile%\TV-Browser\tvdata for Windows and ~\.tvbrowser\tvdata for Linux. Just delete the files not the directories.

TV browser problem

von rig » 21 Apr 2006, 19:01

I am using zap2it importer plugin for tv browser. The problem is the times are all 5 hours off.

I have set my timezone to America/Chicago in settings. When I view the listings it highlights the correct time (and when I hit "now" button it takes me to the right time) but the program that tv browser says is currently on was actually on 5 hours ago.

If you don't understand, here is what I mean.
The 5 o'clock news is on at 5pm, tv browser is telling me it is on at 10pm. It does this with all the shows. Seinfeld is on at 6pm, tv browser shows it is on at 11pm.

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