req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

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Re: req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von ds10 » 25 Okt 2009, 15:20

I've changed the WinTVCap_GUI-Scheduler2 plugin to get this function somehow. You can use the new filter for scheduled programs in the program list plugin to get something like the Tasklist but with the TV-Browser context menu. Select Schedule->Delete and block for scheduled programs that you want to block. It only works for that very program (once scheduled programs) when the date of the program is reached it will be deleted from the exclusion list.

Re: req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von swedub.. » 10 Okt 2009, 12:44

Ok, I see the complexity. But maybe there is some even simpler way. What if Tasklist instead of controlling TV-Browser directly instead appends a textfile with information about each program that is unscheduled in the special way. When TV-Browser restarts a new routine then imports data from that textfile, updates the exclude list from it.

Needed parts:
- Tasklist mouse action
- Tasklist append to textfile
- TV-Browser import from textfile to exclusion list
- TV-Browser exclusion list support for date variable

Re: req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von ds10 » 10 Okt 2009, 00:59

First of all, there is no easy way to let commands work for TV-Browser that are executed on the Tasklist. The Tasklist is a part of WinTVCap_GUI and only the way TV-Browser->WinTVCap_GUI is open through the WinTVCap_GUI-Scheduler2-Plugin the other way around would need a build in server in the plugin, what I think is a huge overhead just to get a little more convenient schedulings.

Additional actions are also no easy way, the whole action handling of TV-Browser needs to be changed to get this wanted feature, what would be possible is a plugin that works as a additional layer between TV-Browser and the WinTVCap_GUI-Scheduler2-Plugin. That way you could set this wrapper plugin to receive action with one of the other currently implemented mouse actions. You then would single left click a scheduled program in the program table of TV-Browser and the wrapper plugin would check if this very program is currently on a blocked list and only if it is not on the list this plugin would set this program on the block list and then would send the program to the WinTVCap_GUI-Scheduler2-Plugin so the program will be removed (only if currently scheduled, if the WinTVCap_GUI-Scheduler2-Plugin would not be changed too).

So it's not impossible to achieve your goal but it's really complicated and would also be not very easy to setup.

Re: req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von swedu.. » 10 Okt 2009, 00:22

Just to clarify, this new suggestions wouldn't prevent unnecessary recording if the rerun is several months in the future. But it would allow a convenient way for users to first automatically schedule all airings of a show (say the premiere + two reruns) and then once the user has checked that a recording has completed without errors the user can just open Tasklist and do the command on the scheduled recordings for the reruns. That would be very convenient.

Currently double middle click in Tasklist de-schedules a task. How about ctrl+double middle click for this new command?

Re: req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von swedub.. » 10 Okt 2009, 00:00

I have new and simpler suggestion:

1. Add some command that the user can execute on items in the Tasklist window. For example, holding a special key and doubleclicking an item.
2. When the user does that command TV-browser should first de-schedule the clicked task and second add that item (a program at a specific date and time) to an "exclude this" list.
3. every time tv-browser is restarted and checks for new programs that match the user set filters then the "exclude this" list has priority. So if a program matches a filter but is also on the exclude list then tv-browser does not schedule a recording of it.

Once the date of an item on the exclude list has passed tv-browser clears it from the list. Maye already implemented "global exclusions" settings could be expanded to support this. The only thing needed there seems to be a field for a specific date.

What do you think?

req: exclusion criteria: command line set, de-schedule tasks

von swedub » 25 Jul 2009, 11:46

I have added some favorites (keywords) and configured them to be autorecorded. That works great! I know that I can also can use settings > plugins > favorite programs > global exclusion criteria . But request some quicker way to add exclusion criteria.

Example: I set of a keyword favorite for the director "X". The film Y by X airs monday with reruns on wednesday and thursday. I want TV-browser to first schedule a recording of all three, just to be on the safe side. That works fine today. But when I have made the first successful recording (and manually checked that it is error freee) then I'd like to as simple as possible (1) cancel any remaining scheduled recordings and (2) create exclusion criteria that prevent Y from being recording again when it airs maybe two months later.

(1) & (2) currently takes a lot of manual steps. I'd like to instead send TV-Browser a single command line argument (with the director AND film title to exclude as parameter). TV-Browser would then start in the background (unless it was already running), do (1) & (2), then close (unless it was already running).

Alternatively, TV-Browser could on startup read some blocklist file. Example: "TV-Browser_exclude.txt" could contain a row separated list of things to exclude. On each startup TV-Browser imports that list as exclusion criteria to use for that session all new program data AND for each added/changed item on the list, goes through step (1) & (2).

What do you think? Too complex request for such a narrow feature? Maybe, but worth mentioning I thought.

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