Wtvcg_Scheduler - no marking after scheduling

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Beitrag von ds10 »

No both things are not possible.
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Beitrag von Gast »

That's too bad. Is there some special thread/place to make requests? If not, then I officially request both things:
- that all types of programinfo data get their own parameters in CapturePlugin
- more parameters for wtvcg_scheduler taskname/filename (ideally the exact same parameters as for CapturePlugin).

In the meantime I'll just run a script after recording that grabs the missing parameters from the xml feed (downloaded separately) and renames the recorded file. But that's pretty messy.

Keyboard shortcuts: alt+left/right switches to previous/next day. That's not on the keyboard shortcuts help page. Are there more such non-documentet keyboard shortcuts. Specifically, is there a goto NOW (current day current time) shortcut? Or can I add shortcuts myself somehow?
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Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

Anonymous hat geschrieben:That's too bad. Is there some special thread/place to make requests? If not, then I officially request both things:
- that all types of programinfo data get their own parameters in CapturePlugin
- more parameters for wtvcg_scheduler taskname/filename (ideally the exact same parameters as for CapturePlugin).
Yes, there is a special feature request thread, but only in German, but your request is still noticed. :-) I'm not sure if we build in support for all available program fields. I will dump the Wtvcg_Scheduler-Plugin as I write the new WtvcgScheduler2-Plugin, that supports the parameter system of TV-Browser, so all that parameters and functions are available there.
Anonymous hat geschrieben:Keyboard shortcuts: alt+left/right switches to previous/next day. That's not on the keyboard shortcuts help page. Are there more such non-documentet keyboard shortcuts. Specifically, is there a goto NOW (current day current time) shortcut? Or can I add shortcuts myself somehow?
I didn't know that shortcuts and I guess there is no one for go to now. It's not possible to add shortcuts by yourself.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von ds10 »

If you want to try the current WtvcgScheduler2 beta version you get it here:
http://www.freenet-homepage.de/wintvcap ... duler2.jar

(It's fully translated to English now.)

PS: You should update WinTVCap_GUI first.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

I was wrong about the variables for month, day, minute in the wtvcg_scheduler taskname/filename box: they are always two-digits after all. It was this example in the help window that fooled me: " %day%_%month%_%year%_%channel%_%title% = 12_4_2006_ARD_Tagesschau " The _4_ there gave the impression that the variable would be 1 digit for the values 1-9, not 01 to 09 as they in fact are.

I have a problem with the current Wtvcg_Scheduler scheduling ProgDVB: If I start WinTVCap_GUI, select a channel (set in WinTVCAP.ini), click "start recording" then it works. But if I schedule a recording through Wtvcg_Scheduler then it starts WinTVCap_GUI on the right time, starts ProgDVB but fails to set any correct channel.

In WinTVCap_GUI application settings for ProgDVB I have:

Parameter for starting the recording: /stoprecord /ch:"%channel%" /startrecord:"C:\Program\ProgDVB\Record\%file%__%channel%.mpg" /Minimize /DisableMpeg2Decoder

Channel type: Channel name

As a test I changed to:

/stoprecord /ch:1 /startrecord:"C:\Program\ProgDVB\Record\%file%.mpg" /Minimize /DisableMpeg2Decoder

That is, I forced recording of the channel set as number 1 in ProgDVB. Then it works.

As another test, I ProgDVB directly from the command line like this and it works (SVT1 is a channel name):

ProgDVB.exe /stoprecord /CH:"SVT1" /StartRecord:"test.mpg" /Minimize /DisableMpeg2Decoder

So ProgDVB can handle that type of channel setting.

I'll try WtvcgScheduler2 beta and see if it works there.

Beitrag von Gast »

WtvcgScheduler2 beta looks great. But I can't get it to schedule. I only have the option "setup qualities" under schedule in the context menu. Is it not implemented yet?
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

Anonymous hat geschrieben:WtvcgScheduler2 beta looks great. But I can't get it to schedule. I only have the option "setup qualities" under schedule in the context menu. Is it not implemented yet?
That means only that you have to enter the available qualities in the settings of WtvcgScheduler2. There is an input field for the quality names.

If your recording application didn't needs a qualitiy simply add a dummy value there.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

What do you mean by Qualities? Can you give an example?

Beitrag von Gast »

ok I just entered a dummy value "aaa" and then it ran. I still have the old problem with ProgDVB not selecting the channel though.

Beitrag von Gast »

Never mind, got it working now - had forgotten the "" for "%channel%" after doing the tests above. It's working great great great!

Beitrag von Gast »

On running a second process after the recording has finished...

I install GUI_Settings_Editor
Goto Options > Settings editor
In the settings: box I've tried entering:

Boolean values->extrarun = true
Boolean values->extrarun
Boolean values

but I get "wrong value!". Can you give an example of exactly what to input there?
The following values have to be set (you set it with clicking on the button Add/Change after entering the correct value):
Boolean values->extrarun = true
Boolean values->deinitializewithfile = true
File values->deinitialize = path to the application you want to run after the recording (you can select it with the Button Get from filesystem)

When you entered that values the recording tool for scheduled recordings will run the selected application with the file name of the recorded file as command line parameter.
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

You have to click with the right mouse button on the input field under Settings: to get the context menu. In that menu you can select the values Boolean values=>extrarun means to tip on the menu entry Boolean values and select the entry extrarun and click it with the left mouse button.

The value true have to be entered in the input field under Input: (It also supports a context menu for true/false values). After entering the value you click on Add/Change to change the value in the settings file.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

Thanks. It was just that right click step that I didn't figure out.

I'm running out of things to ask or request now... Seriously, this is an extremely well designed application!

Here's one small GUI idea/request (a bit similar to the hotkeys previously). Let me vent that and then I'll be off being busy watching all the programs I've now scheduled for recording. ;-) When having scrolled to the very bottom of the program list for the day, on the next press of a scroll down or arrow down key, tv-browser could then goto the next days listing and autoscroll to the top of that page. And vice versa for page up / arrow at the top.
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

Ok, we will think about your feature requests.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
Unterstütze die Weiterentwicklung von TV-Browser

Beitrag von Gast »

I ran into another problem after all: When passing CapturePlugin parameters on the command line to an autohotkey script I need to escape each parameter that can contain spaces with qoutes: "{description}" . But then I must also escape or remove all quotes within those parameters (escape like this: \" )

Is there some way to do that in TV-browser? The parameter function cleanLess {cleanLess(param1)} works but it removes too much. Can I set tv-browser to just remove/replace all occurences of one character? Either when passing the parameter or in the swedb data feed itself? Alternatively, I can see the " characters in the data files under C:\document and settings\ ___ \TV-Browser . Would TV-browser work properly if I just made a script that edits out all " in those files?

Also, I made an Autohotkey script for the hotkey I requested in my last post, if anyone else is interested and want to testdrive what it would be like. It uses shift+page up/down through to avoid being called on each page up/down press. It works fine but its always more reliable to have these things built in.

Code: Alles auswählen

#SingleInstance force

IfWinActive, TV-Browser
  SendInput  {Shift Up}
  SendInput  {PgDn Up}
  sendinput !{Right}
  sendinput ^{Home}

IfWinActive, TV-Browser
  SendInput  {Shift Up}
  SendInput  {PgUp Up}
  sendinput !{Left}
  sendinput ^{End}
  sendinput ^{PgUp}