Wtvcg_Scheduler - no marking after scheduling

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Wtvcg_Scheduler - no marking after scheduling

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I'm new to tv-browser so please bear with me if I ask basic questions.

I have a problem when using Wtvcg_Scheduler with tv-browser.

On the wintvcap-gui sourceforge page named tv-browser-setting.en.html
(sorry - I can't post direct links) it says:
"After a successfully scheduling the program is marked and the symbol of WinTVCap_GUI is added."

But that does not work for me.

When I do scheduler > tasks I see that the program has been scheduled correctly. But it never gets marked as scheduled in tv-browser. How can I fix that?

I'm using the latest version of everything (downloaded today and yesterday).
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Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

Well that's crazy, if the tasks are scheduled. At least the Wtvcg_Scheduler should bring up an error message if the scheduling didn't worked. But if the scheduling worked it should mark the scheduled program.

Gets the program at least the icon of Wtvcg_Scheduler or nothing?
What is with other plugins, like the Reminder, did it mark the program with color and icon?
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Beitrag von ds10 »

I guess I know the problem now. I've changed WinTVCap_GUI yesterday to support the new WtvcgScheduler2-Plugin, so now the return value of the scheduling part of WinTVCap_GUI didn't fit the needed value.

There are two possibilities now, you can downgrade WinTVCap_GUI to version 3.3.3beta2:
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wintvc ... 3beta2.exe
or you can try the new plugin WtvcgScheduler2:
http://www.freenet-homepage.de/wintvcap ... duler2.jar

I suggest to downgrade because the WtvcgScheduler2 is not fully translated into English. The new version of WinTVCap_GUI has no new features, the changes were only needed for the new WtcvgScheduler2.
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Beitrag von ds10 »

Well I've had an even better idea, I've updated Wtvcg_Scheduler to support the new return values. So you simply have to update the Wtvcg_Scheduler to version 2.5.4beta. :)
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

thank you - it's working fine now!

A quick follow up question if I may: can I set Wtvcg_Scheduler or WinTVCap_GUI or tv-browser to run some other command line processes before/after recording? I saw entries for PVAStrumento somewhere but I want to use some other post-recording command line apps. Also, I'd like to save the program info to a text file right before the scheduled task is created. And when I unschedule a recording I'd also like to do some command line stuff. Is all that possible?
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

Yes, this is possible for scheduled recordings but it's a little complicate. You will need the GUI_Settings_Editor from the WinTVCap_GUI download page. After installing it you will have a new entry Settings editor in the Options menu of WinTVCap_GUI.

To set a setting in the settings editor you can right click the white field under Settings:. The following values have to be set (you set it with clicking on the button Add/Change after entering the correct value):
Boolean values->extrarun = true
Boolean values->deinitializewithfile = true
File values->deinitialize = path to the application you want to run after the recording (you can select it with the Button Get from filesystem)

When you entered that values the recording tool for scheduled recordings will run the selected application with the file name of the recorded file as command line parameter.

Saving the program info in a file is possible but the TV channels forbid it. The data is only available for preview of the TV program.

On unscheduling it's not possible to do something on command line. For scheduling you can setup the CapturePlugin/SwitchPlugin to do something. You have to select the wanted plugin in the Basic settings of the Wtvcg_Scheduler as send to plugin.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

Thanks again for the help.

If I later want to change the values added through GUI_Settings_Editor , how do I do that? Do I have to reinstall it?

"Saving the program info in a file is possible but the TV channels forbid it. The data is only available for preview of the TV program."

Ok, but I use only use data from swedb (only swedish channels) and I believe it is legal here in Sweden to store that program information for personal usage so...

Concerning using Send from Wtvcg_Scheduler:

When I send to CapturePlugin then CapturePlugin also marks the program. When I then call Wtvcg_Scheduler again to unschedule (if I change my mind for example) then the CapturePlugin marking must be removed manually. Can Wtvcg_Scheduler somehow be set to send to CapturePlugin (record) when making a schedule and send to CapturePlugin (delete) when removing a schedule?

When I instead try Switch I have no problem with double marking. But nothing I set Switch do do gets done when I call Wtvcg_Scheduler. Do I need something more to get send from Wtvcg_Scheduler to Switch to work?

Beitrag von Gast »

addendum: I also tried setting Wtvcg_Scheduler to Send to CapturePlugin (delete). I then get no second marking. But whatever I point CapturePlugin to doesn't get seem to get executed either...
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

When the GUI_Settings_Editor is installed and you didn't deinstall it, it will be available all the time to change the values.

The Wtvcg_Scheduler only send programs to other plugins when it successfully schedules a recording. So there is no way to get something done on unscheduling at the moment. It would be needed an additional send option for unscheduling to do that.

Because the data saving is not allowed for German channels we have no build in support for storing the data in a text file. A way to get some output file would be to use the Calendar Export.

You can add additional parameters to the CapturePlugin (in the device settings in the tab Parameter click on Additional Parameters), if the program is send to that new target the program will not be marked by CapturePlugin.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

Because the data saving is not allowed for German channels we have no build in support for storing the data in a text file.
Ok, that's understandable.
The Wtvcg_Scheduler only send programs to other plugins when it successfully schedules a recording. So there is no way to get something done on unscheduling at the moment.
But I can't get CapturePlugin (delete) to work at all. Not even when sucessfully scheduling. I get CapturePlugin (record) to work when scheduling but then I get that double marking...

(With CapturePlugin (delete)/(record) I mean the settings available through two radio buttons at: Wtvcg_Scheduler > Basic settings > choose plugin > CapturePlugin )

My hunch was that CapturePlugin (delete) would not create a marking and thus let me output stuff and still avoid the problem with double markings.

I'll try Calendar Export later tonight.

Beitrag von Gast »

Wait, now I got it working. I first didn't get what you wrote about additional parameters to CapturePlugin. You meant that I can add a path to some other file (like a script) there. I then get a third radio button at Wtvcg_Scheduler > Basic settings > choose plugin > CapturePlugin. Selecting that means Wtvcg_Scheduler sends Program (if succesfully scheduled) to that path.
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Beiträge: 19135
Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

Beitrag von ds10 »

The additional parameters use the same application selected for the device of CapturePlugin, the difference between the default parameter record is only, that there is no marking. What is send depends on the entered values in the additional parameter.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Beitrag von Gast »

I see. I had already entered the path to my testscript as application so when I entered it again under additional parameters I thought that latter thing did the trick when it was working all along. Thanks again.

Beitrag von Gast »

One more thing... I can't find CapturePlugin parameters for alla types of data that are in the program information and in the source xmltv feed: director, actor, aspect and maybe more. Can I get those as parameters some other way?

Here's a snippet from the swedb xmltv feed to illustrate what I'm talking about:

<director>Steven Soderbergh</director>
<actor>David Duchovny</actor>
<actor>Nicky Katt</actor>
<actor>Catherine Keener</actor>
<actor>Mary McCormack</actor>
<actor>David Hyde Pierce</actor>

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Also, is there some way to switch to two digit values for day, month, hour, minute variables in wtvcg_scheduler > basic settings > taskname/filename ?

january = 01
february = 02

Sorry for just piling up new questions but you seem to know all the answers :D
And I have MUCH to learn due to tv-browser being so feature rich.