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left-right mouse scrolling

Verfasst: 04 Sep 2007, 12:09
von amuzulo

I use Mac OS X 10.4.10 with a Wireless Mighty Mouse installed which has a scroll wheel which can not only scroll up and down, but also left and right. Unfortunately this capability does not work in TV Browser where it would be incredibly useful. I also notice this is not a fault of Java, because I can scroll left and right while running Eclipse. This should be an easy fix which you could make for a future version of TV Browser. If you could do this, I would greatly appreciate this.

Also, feel free to reply in German as I can read it well, but do not write very well in it.


Verfasst: 04 Sep 2007, 12:16
von ds10
That is not possible because Java 5 don't supports the use of the Mighty Mouse.

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2007, 07:52
von bodo
If you update to Java 6, you will get the scrolling you want. But Java 6 is only available as developer preview, use it on your own risk.

Re: left-right mouse scrolling

Verfasst: 10 Nov 2020, 21:33
von dfronczek
13 years later ;-) left-right scrolling is not possible in TV browser 4.2.1 running under Debian Linux 10 (buster) with openjdk 11.0.9 2020-10-20.

Is this a known limitation of openjdk? Or of TV browser?

Can anybody please confirm that the latest TV browser can do left-right scrolling with the "official" Oracle Java JRE?

Thank you in advance!