BBC listings - can't download via plug-in

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: BBC listings - can't download via plug-in

von astage » 02 Sep 2007, 23:17

Bananeweizen hat geschrieben:I found a more serious bug this time, so it took me longer to fix it. I tested this new version with downloading 1 week of data for about 10 channels.

Ciao, Michael.
Danke. Jetzt lauft alles.

von Bananeweizen » 30 Aug 2007, 22:06

I found a more serious bug this time, so it took me longer to fix it. I tested this new version with downloading 1 week of data for about 10 channels.

Ciao, Michael.

von astage » 30 Aug 2007, 17:56

[quote=....And what exactly doesn't work with Radio Times?[/quote]
This part was fixed by removing and re-installing TV-Browser and plug-ins.
I'll put the log into a PM to you.
Thanks for the help.

von Bananeweizen » 30 Aug 2007, 07:46

astage hat geschrieben:Sorry to report that the fix doesn't quite seem perfect. The listing for BBC ONE did come down, but not for BBC TWO, THREE, FOUR.
However, the problem may be elsewhere, since the Radio Times listings for the ITV, Channel 4, and others are also problematic.
I'll check that. As I only use German channels, I have only subscribed to 2 channels per additional data service and those happened to work fine after my changes of yesterday.

You can help me to get more information about the problem. Please see for how to activate logging with TV-Browser. Then please try to reprduce the problem and send me a copy of the log.

And what exactly doesn't work with Radio Times? Is the RadioTimes website buggy or do you mean that the RadioTimes data service in TV-Browser happens to have problems with your reported channels?

von astage » 30 Aug 2007, 00:09

Bananeweizen hat geschrieben:new plugin version is available now
Sorry to report that the fix doesn't quite seem perfect. The listing for BBC ONE did come down, but not for BBC TWO, THREE, FOUR.
However, the problem may be elsewhere, since the Radio Times listings for the ITV, Channel 4, and others are also problematic.

von astage » 29 Aug 2007, 22:16

Bananeweizen hat geschrieben:new plugin version is available now
WoW! That's service!

Many thanks for the speedy response!

von Bananeweizen » 29 Aug 2007, 09:33

new plugin version is available now

von Bananeweizen » 29 Aug 2007, 08:39

I'm just updating the plugin code. Expect a new plugin version today...

BBC listings - can't download via plug-in

von astage » 29 Aug 2007, 04:00

In the past I've successfully used TV-Browser with the BBC plug-in (BbcBackstageDataService). But upon starting tonight couldn't download any BBC listings. I tried removing v.2.5.2, installed 2.5.3 along with the plug-ins again, but got the same result at each update attempt. Listing for non-BBC UK and European channels are fine.
Has there beeen another change of the BBC web-site that has defeated the plug-in?

The error I get at each attempt is as follows:

Couldn't download the program for the whole time!

----- Start of stacktrace -----
util.exc.TvBrowserException: Problems while Parsing the Data.
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcBackstageDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DeprecatedTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcFileParser.analyseFile(
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcFileParser.parseFile(
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcBackstageDataService.updateTvData(
... 3 more

Caused by:
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcFileParser.analyseFile(
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcFileParser.parseFile(
at bbcbackstagedataservice.BbcBackstageDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DeprecatedTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
----- End of stacktrace -----

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