SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

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SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von JCD »


Environment as follows:
MacOS 10.14.1
Java Version 8 Update 191
TV-Browser 4.0.1
Plugin ScheduleDirect beta, Use format JSON
- Freesat (GBR-1000020-DEFAULT)
- Saorview (IRL-0000001-CUSTOM)
- Freesat (ZZZ-19.2E-DEFAULT)

Until maybe 2 weeks ago, all was working fine. Though I had the odd "problem" once or twice a month with partially complete schedules (e.g.,Film 4 schedule missing for certain days). But for the past 2 weeks, I am only able to load data for 19.2E, the Saorview and 28.2E data are missing.

Bottom line: how can I debug this problem. At this stage, I am unable to determine if the problem resides with TV-Browser, the ScheduleDirect plugin or the data from the ScheduleDirect people themselves. Do you have any debug tools, access to a console or ability to run TV-Browser in debug mode?

Second question / suggestion - is it possible to force a reload of the schedule? When I had one of the earlier problems (typically lasted a day until someone fixed whatever was causing the problem), incomplete/missing data would not be replaced by new data when doing an update of the TV listing. Is there a way to force a reload of the full schedule, including of data already loaded as part of an earlier refresh (so either a force reload option, or an overwrite if present type flag).

Thanks very much to the developers for their time and effort creating this software in the first place... this is very much appreciated.
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Registriert: 09 Jan 2018, 19:44

Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von JCD »


Reply from SchedulesDirect:

"I've just checked the lineups, and they're still valid on this side. For example, the last update to Saorview was 2018-10-16T16:09:46Z.

You'll need to ask the developer of your plugin to assist you with debugging and how to pull logs; there's nothing server-side indicating that there's anything wrong with the lineup."

So it seems the problem is either with the plugin or with TV-Browser itself. Anyone else with a similar problem?

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Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von ds10 »

Jo who is developing the plugin is currently not here do do anything about that. So you will have to wait until he is back.
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Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von Jo »

Have you restartet TV-Browser? And where do you get Freesat (GBR-1000020-DEFAULT) from (i.e. what is you region)? I find Freesat from Sky - Cable (GBR-1002100-DEFAULT) and Freesat - Cable (GBR-1007531-DEFAULT)

And you can force a reload by clicking "Delete Json data" in the settings.

Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von Dave »

I have the same problem here. For about 2 weeks no station data (epg) from ScheduleDirect come to TV-Browser. I have not changed anything.
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Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von JCD »

Hi there,

This has happened once again... Exactly the same problem. One data (in that case about two weeks ago), valid data still stops loading /being refreshed despite being (allegedly) downloaded fine from SchedulesDirect. The DataViewer plugin allows to track this problem over time. Basically it just stops (for an unknown reason) to load valid new data from the SchedulesDirect feed so the range of valid days goes down over time up to the point where there is no data in the schedule. This is now.

I tried deleting and removing lineups (with quit / re-start of TV-Browser), re-loading them, etc, with no luck. Theproblem has been reported to SchedulesDirect support too.

Ideally I could "purge" all the data in TV-Browser to force a full clean reload but the "Delete JSON Data" functionality in the SchedulesDirect plugin does not achieve this. I tried deleting various files/directories in ~/Library/Application Support/TV-Browser/tvdata/ but this is guesswork and time-consuming (quit TV-Browser, delete set of files, re-start application, invoke schedule re-load, check if the problem has been fixed, then re-start all over again).

Suggestion to the TV-Browser developers - could you please ass a button / menu item to purge the schedule data in full so that a full, clean schedule reload can be forced? This would be really useful and probably quit easy to implement.

Many thanks
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Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von Jo »

The "Delete JSON Data" does delete the data for a clean reload. The json data is in the usual TVB settings directory in a file called sdjson. To make it even cleaner you should restart TV-Browser as well. If it still does not work, something with their data has to have changed or maybe your login does not work.
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Registriert: 09 Jan 2018, 19:44

Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von JCD »

Hi Jo,

Thanks for this, I will try this tomorrow and revert. The Schedules Direct helpdesk suggested trying other clients (EPG123 and Typecast - both Windows clients) to pull JSON data from Schedules Direct. I definitely had good data through Typecast, suggesting that my problem is with TV-Browser. Interestingly the problem has changed slightly in that previously it loaded some data (based on the download progress bar and time taken) but this data could not be displayed / was reported by the Data Viewer plugin as either missing or incomplete. Whereas now it does not even download any data at all.

I'll try your solution and revert.

Many thanks
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Registriert: 09 Jan 2018, 19:44

Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von JCD »

Hi Jo,

Could you confirm the path and filename for the Mac client please. I could not find the file in question:

MacBook-Pro:TV-Browser jcd$ pwd
/Users/jcd/Library/Application Support/TV-Browser
MacBook-Pro:TV-Browser jcd$ find . -name "*sdjson*" -print
MacBook-Pro:TV-Browser jcd$

Many thanks
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Re: SchedulesDirect data not loading (again)

Beitrag von Jo »

It should be in Homeverzeichnis in there in the subdirectory with the version number of your TV-Browser installation version.