About translation,URGENT

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About translation,URGENT

Beitrag von efiree »

I am interested in translating the tv-browser into Chinese. And I have a look at the new translator tool. It's very convenient. May I ask some questions here?
-The translator forum is not very active recently, is there any need to translate the application into Chinese? If possible, I will try my best to do it.
-In terms of the translator tool, do I need to do all translations completely or Can I do part of the translations(eg. the UI part) and send it to you guys to see if it goes well?

Site Admin
Beiträge: 11876
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: About translation,URGENT

Beitrag von Jo »

efiree hat geschrieben:-The translator forum is not very active recently, is there any need to translate the application into Chinese? If possible, I will try my best to do it.
We don't have Chinese channels, so there likely are not so many Chinese speaking people using TV-Browser. But since everybody can provide channels, maybe they will come when there is a translation. So I would say that we really need a Chinese translation at the moment, but it definetly would not harm ;-)
efiree hat geschrieben: -In terms of the translator tool, do I need to do all translations completely or Can I do part of the translations(eg. the UI part) and send it to you guys to see if it goes well?
You can see if everything is fine yourself. If you have added a language in the translation tool, you can choose it as language in the settings.

Re: About translation,URGENT

Beitrag von efiree »

Thanks very much, Jo!
Since I am doing a research on an open source project, Can you give me some ideas about these questions?
-How are the releases managed of the tv-browser project?
-If I find some bug, could I report this in the forum or some other way as a bug tracker? ps. I have found a bug tracker link in wiki, but it doesn't work.
-Is there any project that has relationships or interactions with the tv-browser project?
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11876
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: About translation,URGENT

Beitrag von Jo »

For bugreports: http://tvbrowser.org:8080/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa Maybe you can update the link in the wiki? I don't know where it is.
We use http://www.omdb.org/ for descriptions for some german channels. Plus certainly the data plugins which use program data from different projects.

Re: About translation,URGENT

Beitrag von efiree »

Jo hat geschrieben:For bugreports: http://tvbrowser.org:8080/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa Maybe you can update the link in the wiki? I don't know where it is.
We use http://www.omdb.org/ for descriptions for some german channels. Plus certainly the data plugins which use program data from different projects.
Thanks very much for your help. I have taken a look at the bug tracker system and it is wonderful. The bug tracker text link has been updated so that it points to the correct page instead of the other one on sourceforge. I think it should work well. The wrong hyper text link "bug tracker" is on http://enwiki.tvbrowser.org/index.php/Contribute
