What should I do

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What should I do

Beitrag von Gast »

I go to the follwing menu....
TV-Browser -> settings -> TV-Data-plugins -> tv-Browser -> channelgroups-> +Add

What should I write here ??
and the destination of this URL what should it be .....

With wireshark I see that tv-browser looking for a file named URL + "_lastupdated"

I use version of TV-browser
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11876
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: What should I do

Beitrag von Jo »

You can add the url of an external channel group if it exists (see Update_Channel_List). But usually the channel groups are already integrated automatically in TV-Browser and this step is not necessary.

If you want to provide your own channels, this is a bit more complicated. See Providing_TV_listings.
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Re: What should I do

Beitrag von bullzeye »

Jo hat geschrieben: If you want to provide your own channels, this is a bit more complicated.
If I have an existing webserver with xmltv files. How do I import these to TV-Browser. I try to use
TV-Browser -> settings -> TV-Data-plugins -> tv-Browser -> channelgroups-> +Add

If I set the answer to the above URL request to http://xmltv.xx.yy/mygroup

In this case the plugin will request several files
etc ....

So where can I get a description which files should be there and it's information ....

Thanks in advance
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11876
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: What should I do

Beitrag von Jo »

It is not possible to add xmltv files directly to TV-Browser. This is because you need the permission from the stations to use their program data and most xmltv sources don't have it. So if you have all permissions to provide the data, just tell us and we will find a way to integrate the data with our plugin system.
Site Admin
Beiträge: 11876
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: What should I do

Beitrag von Jo »

What problem do you mean? There is no general way to add xmltv files, but you can Providing TV listings.