Schedules Direct & Java problems

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Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »


I have subscribed with Schedules Direct and no matter what I do I cannot got TV-B to accept the channels. I therefore uninstalled TV-B to start over again and before I could check it out I got a Java Update notification, so I updated and TV-B will not start now. This is the message I get....


Help please!!
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von ds10 »

It's a known problem of the current Java update. Old versions of Java are not remove from Registry:

Code: Alles auswählen

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment

Code: Alles auswählen

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
Delete all old Java entries, only the entry of the current version should be kept.

And as I understand you first have to add a linueup at the SchedulesDirect website, before the SchedulesDirect plugin can access it.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von Jo »

ds10 hat geschrieben:And as I understand you first have to add a linueup at the SchedulesDirect website, before the SchedulesDirect plugin can access it.
This is only if you use their XML data. If you use their JSON data (as seems to be recommended) you can add lineups in the plugin settings (if you have not already done this with an other application that supports SchedulesDirect).
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

Hi ds10 & Jo, I uninstalled Java and all files and reinstalled and TV-B started fine. I d/l the plugins I wanted and I'm not really sure what I did but I think I've picked up all the channels from I wanted although the SD ones haven't loaded. The Sky channels are fine however. I'll try loading SD again.....

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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

I keep getting an error message. I copied the details:-
Problems loading the data, maybe username/passwort wrong or communication error.

----- Start of stacktrace -----
net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.DataDirectException: Method getLocalName() cannot be called for END_DOCUMENT event.
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.getData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateXmlTvData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DefaultTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method getLocalName() cannot be called for END_DOCUMENT event.
at Source)
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseLineups(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseXTVD(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
... 6 more

Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method getLocalName() cannot be called for END_DOCUMENT event.
at Source)
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseLineups(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.parser.XtvdParser.parseXTVD(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.readSOAPResponse(
at net.sf.xtvdclient.xtvd.SOAPRequest.getData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateXmlTvData(
at schedulesdirectdataservice.SchedulesDirectDataService.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.DefaultTvDataServiceProxy.updateTvData(
at tvbrowser.core.TvDataUpdater.downloadTvData(
at tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame$
----- End of stacktrace -----
Any ideas?

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Beiträge: 11833
Registriert: 07 Apr 2006, 23:39

Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von Jo »

Do you use JSON or XML data? The messages suggest you set it to XML but where did you pick the channels?
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

I've tried both in an effort to find channels. In the Program Table, no programs are ever found but underneath the TV Station title in the columns is the - ©SchedulesDirect - copyright logo. I don't know if that means anything but I'm at a loss to know why I can't acquire any programs from SD???

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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von Jo »

I see now that you are from UK, so you probably want UK channels, thus you have to use JSON data. Try adding them again and don't forget to reload the channellist in the settings of TV-Browser to get the channels again.
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von rkulagow »

If you're having issues with adding a lineup through the JSON service, please open a lineup support ticket at the Schedules Direct website (where you signed up for an account, not the forum) so that we can make sure that your account information is correct.
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

Thanks rkulagow, I'll head over there now...

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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

Erm, it started working!! It's unbelievable how much I've forgotten in only a few months, maybe I shouldn't have done a clean reinstall! C'est la vie...

My initial problems now though are that when I open TV-B that Configuration screen keeps opening, why? Do I need to do something with it? Also, on restart I have to update the channels to get the Prog Info back?

If you could help me with these little problems I should start remembering the other stuff as I go along, hopefully!

Eternally grateful!
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von ds10 »

Well you should quit TV-Browser manually one time after setting up the channels and it should work. The configuration assistant will be shown every time unless you cancel it and select that it should never be shown again or when you have clicked through it to the end.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

I don't understand why it wants to set up the channels when they are already set up? No matter though, I'll cancel it next time it opens.

There are so many things I'm having to re-learn it's unbelievable. You've packed so much into TV-B there is no comparison. Anyway, I've still got a lot to do to get it as it was but I'll get there. Danke ds10 and others who've helped along the way...


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Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von ds10 »

keithy397 hat geschrieben:You've packed so much into TV-B there is no comparison.
Yes, that seems to be the case, but that happens if you aim to be the best available on the market. ;-)
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
Unterstütze die Weiterentwicklung von TV-Browser
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Wohnort: Anglesey, North Wales, UK

Re: Schedules Direct & Java problems

Beitrag von keithy397 »

ds10 hat geschrieben:
keithy397 hat geschrieben:You've packed so much into TV-B there is no comparison.
Yes, that seems to be the case, but that happens if you aim to be the best available on the market. ;-)
Of that, there is no doubt.

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