Wtvcg_Scheduler - no marking after scheduling

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Registriert: 23 Jun 2005, 12:36

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I think there is no way to escape the quotes like you wanted to. If you ran an Java application as the script it would be possible to use the urlencode function to get an output that can be decoded to the original value.

I'm not sure if it is save to change the data, but just try it, if the data is broken you can delete it and download it again. So your risk is not really high, you would only loose the markings for WinTVCap_GUI Scheduler2 but not the scheduled tasks itself.
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Hm, I tried replacing all " with \" in on of the files. That caused a reboot when I then started tv-browser and went to the date corresponding to the changed file
:o So I'll pause editing those files for now... :)

I'm instead trying to find an easy way to let AHK decode the urlencoded parameter . I've asked in their forum so we'll see if any solution crops up.

For the time being I'll use the separate xmltv feed to grab the description too.

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Got it all working now! Had to run it through two Autohotkey functions and then add a third conversion of some lingering encoded characters. There's probably some easier and cleaner way but this works now so... Anyone interested can check "post-140370" in the forum on the autohotkey site for details.