TV-Browser 2.6 (alpha2)

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TV-Browser 2.6 (alpha2)

Beitrag von ds10 »

TV-Browser 2.6alpha2 ist jetzt verfügabr!

Da dies eine Alpha-Version ist könnten durchaus Bugs enthalten sein. Was also zu 2.6alpha1 gesagt wurde gilt auch hier.

Alpha-Phase beendet

Und zum Abschluss noch die komplette Liste der Änderungen seit 2.6alpha1:
* 1734692 Desc. and copyright for picture not readable
* 1738622 Size of TV-Browser is not restored correct on startup
* 1795481 Fixed Reload-Handling of Favorites-Tree
* 1795499 PluginTree: keyboard navigation didn't works
* 1796665 I18N Plugin didn't show translations for tvbrowser
* 1797086 AudioDescription Filter can be delted
* 1798003 FavoritePlugin: Programs send more than once to target
* 1798618 Channel settings tab goes gray on filter deleting
* 1799450 Exception in TV rater plugin
* 1800096 KOrganizer-Export missing
* 1800331 SearchPlugin context menu not available
* split multiple person names in director field
* plugins shown in wrong language after changing language settings

* 1777140 have filter menu for plugin nodes
* 1795272 Check plugin versions for loading from right directory
* 1795684 Better single click handling in trees
* 1796964 Add ability to show marking colors in context menu
* 1797875 Show favorites that could not send programs to a target
* 1798668 Do not download missing channel icons on TV-Browser start
* 1799463 program info: actor name always left, role name always right
* 1799909 PluginTree: Have icon for Favorites
* 1799911 PrintPlugin: Show marking colors
* new plugin: Genres
* avoid channel changes dialog if the list of available channels did not change
* more icons in the main menu
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
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